
男童遭綁架連唱3小時圣歌 逼瘋綁匪被釋放

??诰W(wǎng) http://6chong.cn  時間:2014-04-25 08:26

????A 9-year-old boy who was abducted from his home in Atlanta, sang a gospel song for hours until his kidnapper snapped and set him free。


????On March 31, Willie Myrick was playing outside with his pet Chihuahua when a man grabbed him and forced him into his car, police told local news outlets。


????“He was cursing at me telling me to shut up and didn’t want to hear a word from me,” Willie told a local station. “He said if I told anyone, he would hurt me, like in a bad way?!?


????Willie, who just turned 10 this week, chose not to remain silent, but to sing a favorite gospel song “Every Praise,” the station reported。


????Willie continued to sing until his kidnapper, who had reportedly been driving around for almost three hours, threw him onto the street and drove away。


????The songwriter behind the gospel tune, Hezekiah Walker, flew to Atlanta this week to meet Willie after hearing his story。


????Mr. Walker told local news affiliates that he believes God spoke through him to “save that boy’s life。”


????There is currently a $10,000 reward for the capture of Willie’s abductor who is described as a black male in his mid-to late-20s. He is said to have been wearing khaki shorts and a white, short-sleeve shirt with a Nike logo at the time of the kidnapping.?







男童稱被外教裹進窗簾罰站 園方稱其自己貪玩
男童撿到似“鴨蛋”物體爆炸 右手掌被炸飛
中山一男童卡防盜網(wǎng)身懸半空 路人舉梯營救(圖)
男童玩耍時被鄰居鳥槍擊中頭部 鋼彈擊穿腦袋


海口網(wǎng) http://6chong.cn [來源: 滬江英語] [作者:] [編輯:陳瑩] 


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